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BPG: From history of creation.
View from MustLive's eyes (not complete translated).

Quake (at all) as a phenomenon of my life:

     At the begining of october 1998 I was buy a modem USR Sportster 33600 and began to play Quake 1/2 over the Internet. I was newbie, but expirience come to me very fast. Shortly after frags come to dady (1st attempt was fragsless because bad conection speed), but soon I begin to take up place at the top of Scores table,after cool quakers with cool modems (56K or ISDN). It was great & cool time: untill feabruary 1999 I have ISP Elvisti with good for ours phone-lines internet speed (up to 4 Kb/s); but now (from 8.02.99) I have new ISP - Akcecc - cheaper, but speed is awfull. From that time am not plaing in Quake - can't realy (ping 1000-3000-...) :-((. Maybe, downloading and net surf-riding, but not playing games (only in Heroes of Might and Magic, but its very long time).

Afterward (the end of november 1998) I visited radiomarket "Karavayevy Dachi" to by CD disk "Anthology of Prodigy" and there somebody give me a advertising of Net Game Club. 29.11.98 I with Druid (then I still was Eugene, a he was Andrey) transmit in Net Game were cut in Quake1 and all there have punished (with 6 battles I has won 4, and he 2). Since then and up to the end 98 we still many times visited in Net Game. Then I even was decided, after vicories not once there over lamaz (Also I played with: [KPD] Zombie _, [KPD]Partizan], [KPD]Chikotilo, [KPD] Monster, NickD.SyS slightly) to participate in first in NetGame Club Quake-championship 19.12.98. Then I in the first round played with [KPD] Chikotilo, 3BEPb and someone on q2dm2. I was take 12 frags, [KPD] Chikotilo - 40, 3BEPb - 19, 4-th - 7. Then all 3 played repeatedly on q2dm3. I played then with Buba [SD] and others, and had taken then the last 4 places (Buba [SD] - 1-e).
From a beginning of 1999 all of us (future NH) have begun to catch in club Gerelo (near the underground Svyatoshino). And here I had idea to create a group. Ash (Druid now) has invented a title Yborg Killers... But he did not like it and after he had created Super Predators, then SIN (Seven Inch Nails) and at last Nail Heads. I in that moment have created Hyper Power and has taken to it Bilya (Billy Bons) (Druid taked to group Chaos and LowRadiation).
From 29.02.99 till 6.03.99 in Gerelo the Championship on Quake2 was conducted. Then I with Low Radiation (LoRa) went up to a half-final but in them have blown. Chaos has blown in 1-4 final, and Druid blown in screening round. In general all were punished by the guys from [SD] (Soldiers of Death). 1st place was got Buba [SD].

And after 1.04.99 Druid with Chaos have offered me to go in their group and I has agreed (group HP was gone and Bilya now any more team-plaer).
That's all. Unless, that LoRa something seize on Druid, on NH and generaly wanted to go in mine group, only asked to interchange a title and that I have made: -).

13.05.99 We had small event: now us a five - [S.W.A.T. Leon] come to ours group nd now he is Leon - [NH]. This business we have discussed in Gerele and nevertheless have accepted this lamas Leon in ours group.
19.06.99 There was also one significant event: was derivated new group HoD. It's by the founders was become: MustLive, Leon and Santa.
Then in 21.06.99 group NH was gone: Druid go into singleton, Chaos go in ours group and LoRa has told, that he is more not going to play in quake :-(.

In this time in internet with me has communicated certain human "MiSHa" and has offered idea of an entrance it in ours group. While we negotiative, but here at the night from 5.06 on 6.06.99 in "ARENA" we came to a goodness of fit, as nobody was against he has entered ours group.

... Then there were also every possible variations on the subject of distortions, and in general even was derivated certain "group", wich called QFriend...

QuakeFriends consists of such (mm - yes...) people:

  • Chaos (Q1-Chaos)
  • Druid (Q2-Druid)
  • MustLive (Q3-MustLive)

From that time "has flowed away a lot of water" ...All possible griops were burn, were derivated new etc. And here I (and Druid too in this business have not pumped up : -)) has decided, that it is all a nonsense 8 -). And here we have deserted this business...

But I have not ceased to play in Q2 (and in going out something very long Q3). I continue to train my skill. And somewhere at this time (in same time with Qfriends was derivated new "formation" (group, gang) BasePoint - new combined project me and Druid, to which soon were attracted Chaos and certain Jet :-). And it was only beginning...

BasePoint consists of such people:

  • Druid
  • MustLive

But about BasePoint it is necessary to say separately. About the debt of a path before that as it has appeared on light and about activity which was made.


Music as a phenomenon of my life:

       Ещё before as I of the beginnings to play in Ку-по-сети-с-людьми, I from a beginning of July 98 beginnings to be engaged in creation of music. In general(common) to create " вс ё everything " I of the beginnings for a long time, from the childhood I had a thrust to creation (to creative activity), also from the childhood at me was ещ ё and love to destruction, i.e. ломанию " only that is possible ", not without reason at me until now favourite keys on клаве is F8 and Del (to erase...). From that времини has passed more than year and I had some experience in creation of music (type, such to itself of Music Maker, хе-хе). Насоздавал I many different compositions, thus I tried to keep in one style - Electronic (in various it подстилях and related directions, such as: Rave, Techno, Hardcore, Breakbeat, Dance etc.). From that moment as I of the beginnings "to play" (not in " it is simple " games, in them I played ещ ё with 94-th, when the daddy has presented me at date of birth the PC - Поиск2: -) in Квак, I have not ceased to create music, did(made) е ё паралельно with кваком. Used (and I use to this day) various програмами under PC (Win9x/Dos). In этото period I was known(!known) as Eugene (Женя, on - английськи), DJ Eugene, and only on December 10 1998 I have invented to myself normal (as for me) ник - MustLive (under чемп on Ку2 in НетГеймКлубе - см.выше). The word ДиДжей to me was not pleasant only because диждеи, in difference from мюзик-мэйкеров (composers) do not create музыу, and only диджеят", т.е. они редактирують и оперируют над уже готовой музыкой. Я решил стать полноценным создателем музыки в стиле Еlectronic, да и вобще электронной музыки."диджеят", i.e. they редактирують and operate above available with music. I have decided to become the rigorous founder of music in style Eectronic, and in general electron music.

BasePoint which was mentioned is group of the people creating music and not only above. For example Друид приблезительно in one time with me of the beginnings to be engaged creative деятельностю (for example, before that how to be engaged in creation of music I програмировал and has created " Eugene Commander " and game in a genre квест "Kiprik Adventure " - demo version, and heap other - недоделаного); Друид at this time too has wanted занятся програмированим, but has thrown ещ ё before какм I have thrown - it(he) from the childhood well draws, and at him(it) talent of the designer, than now it(he) and is engaged. Then it(he) tried something to create from music, but has thrown and only after beginnings to create music I, it(he) has tried to create music, but as with " of zero to create music " at him(it) it(he) was impossible began "диджействовать" slightly. Now it(he) again has returned on a path true and beginnings to try to create music itself. From recent time CHAOS too of beginnings to create music. But, as I already spoke above about бо вс ё м under the order.

"A Point of a count" so is translated on russian Base Point, develops and прогресирует. Here there was ещ ё one сайт mustlive.homepage.com. That has appeared, заглохнул Друид.сом. Now we work above many проэктами. Which some from already at final stage, and many ещё only in процесе of a realization. Also I want to mark появление kickme.to/bpg - реадресатора on MustLive's Web Site, and new replacement, on тойже to soil, Друидову to whom (druid.com) - glumi.com - ещ ё one ours френд. A plus to all розвивается main сайт, are invented and many fresh ideas etc. are embodied in life.

Also, at last, I shall list members of while only informal group Base Point Group:

  1. Chaos
  2. Druid
  3. Mela
  4. MustLive
  5. Pooj

In the plan ещ ё new мемберы, and also the acceptance in terms of the person from other city / country, and not just from Kiev is possible. Shortly we shall be defined with certain пиплами (Jet, for example, and other). If there were any problems(!on) and - or the proposals, write to me. Also concerning a Bank(small-sized,!finely) - low brother Друида: they too not always ладят one another, therefore Друид swears concerning slightly that, that I have "recorded" it in БПГ (type it(he) pier the brother at him not достоин of such honour etc.) disagrees slightly,, but I hope they there разберуться.

Now 12.02.2001. For that time, during which I did not renovate "О" (About), there were many changes: -). And here there was that, about ч ё м so the updating(replenishment) is part(long) твердили большевики - at us. There is nobody new (is present in view of children) at us was not born, вс ё горазда it is easier - now new мембером at us it is considered (and I shall ask with it to be considered) one person, furthermore(in addition to) on the actual name it(he) mine т ё ска, which everyone know and love - JeT.
P.S. The people exults - буря of an applause... Here and there fly by rotten tomatoes, прямиком in a Jet. But it(he) тв ё рдо costs on legs (glue a moment,know...) and resolutely accepts all овации: -).

28.02.2001. Two members officially are adopted in Base Point Group: Ed and Boogie.

1.05.2001 Work under BPG Web site has been finished. Besides, work under this site was carried on from the end of 1999 year, when Druid make developed, as a new design for my blacky site, but I decided to make individual site. And it was standing at this address, while I purposeful begun to develope it in the beginning of 2001.

About all suggestions, wishes and questions attract to our E-mail: mustlive@pisem.net or leave your message in guest book.


© Base Point 1999-2006 © Druid, MustLive & Pooj 1999-2006.